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Step 1: Creating the network

Step 2: Firewall & access rules

Step 3: Creating an uplink

Optional - VPN (Virtual Private Network)

Step 1: Creating the network


The first step to being able to use services is always the creation of a VPC, which represents the capsule for the network.
This can be found at Network - Virtual Private Cloud.

To create a new VPC, select Apply for VPC.

In the first section, you select the appropriate Enterprise Project.

In this case, everything created is billed via ShowCase .

The NAME should be meaningful so that the correct network can always be recognised directly.

External Network does not need to be customised.

The PRIMARY CIDR BLOCK represents the network segment in which we then create our subnets.
This should therefore not be too small. The same block can be used in several VPC
, as these act separately.
Our recommendation is to start with / 16. Below this is a list of network segments that cannot be used by

In the second section, we create the first subnet.

We start by naming the subnet. A meaningful name should also be selected here.
DHCP can be used to decide whether there is a dynamically managed IP pool.
In this example, I only select IPv4 as the type . Analogue to v4, v6 also works.

The CIDR block must be below our Primary CIDR block block. We therefore create the subnet with / 24.
The gateway is automatically stored with a click in the box and does not need to be adjusted.

The allocation pools represent the DHCP dynamically distributed area from which the ECS obtain their first IP.

The DNS servers are provided by the SpaceNet.Cloud, but can be customised.

NTP servers can be supplied via DHCP.

Now our VPC can be selected when creating an ECS.

Step 2: Firewall & access rules


Security groups are firewall rules (~IPSEC) for ECSs and load balancers. These can be nested together and any number can be assigned to an ECS.
The default group is assigned to each ECS by default when it is created. means that all IP addresses are released. This also includes the IP addresses of the VPC.

Firstly, the inbound rules should be removed from the default group, as these release the server for the whole world.
However, removing them also interrupts the traffic between the ECS!

Default Group

Recommended setup

(1) - Edit the default group

Delete the inbound rules in the default group. This group is only used for the activation of outgoing traffic.

(2) - Create security groups for internal communication

Create a security group for each subnet created, which contains the release ANY with Remote End for the entire subnet.
The VPC has The internal subnet has

(3) - Assign security groups

Assign this group to the ECS that is in the internal subnet. This can be quickly edited within the group via Associate Instances if there are already ECSs.

(optional) - Remote access

If there is a static IP from which you want to manage the ECS, you can create a security group that only allows incoming SSH from this IP range, for example.

This means that port 22 is only accessible from the network
This group can then be assigned to the Linux ECS.
However, the better solution is to use a VPN gateway or to work via the Web Console.

Step 3: Creating an uplink

The first step before assigning EIP (external IP addresses) is to set up a shared bandwidth.
This can be found under Network - Elastic IP - Shared Bandwidths.


It is simply created via Create Shared Bandwidth.

The name chosen should best describe the uplink usage and
should be easily recognised when setting up ECS. We use ShowCase again as the project for

The bandwidth (Mbit/s) now allows a restriction of the maximum uplink
speed. However, this can be adjusted at any time.

This is a flat rate.

Now I can select the shared bandwidth we have just created when applying for an EIP.

Optional: VPN (Virtual Private Network)

To access your VMs directly in your virtual private cloud, simply create a VPN tunnel.
This means that access via a public IP is not necessary. A VPN gateway is first created under Network - Virtual Private Network.

Under Name, select a suitable name that should also match your subnet or VPC. Under VPC, select the corresponding Virtual Private Cloud.

The bandwidth name should match the gateway name so that it can be assigned more quickly. It is not possible to use a shared bandwidth here,
as this is special traffic.

Now the actual VPN tunnel is created. To do this, a new VPN connection is created in the menu of the same name.

The name should give you information about the endpoint, for example.

We use the VPN gateway we have just created.

Remote Gateway is the endpoint outside the cloud. For example, your
firewall on site at your location.

Remote Subnet is the network area at your location that you want to route.

PSK is the key/password between your device and the cloud.

Under Advanced Settings, Custom is selected to view and edit the exact connection options.

These must be the same on both sides.

It may now take a few minutes for the VPN tunnel to be established. The status becomes Normal if successful.