All about your business IT
30 years of success stories
The desire to bring other companies onto the Internet so that they can use it successfully has now become much more. Comprehensive managed IT services and several high-security data centres in Munich. We have been supporting companies as a strong and secure Internet provider and hosting expert since 1993.
A contact person who knows you and your company personally and can resolve your concerns quickly and reliably.
- individually
- close
- in partnership
- (pro)active
Powerful services for your IT. So that you can sleep soundly at night.
- since 1993
- over 120 experts
- more than 1,000 companies that trust us
- German Internet pioneer
Security for your systems and data, your company and your business success. So that everything runs smoothly.
- precisely
- responsible
- stable
- clear
Our aim is not to find the first best solution for you and with you, but the smartest one.
- Competent
- experienced
- holistic
- carefree
30 years of Internet
30 years of SpaceNet
15.11.2023: SpaceNet AG and SOFTIQ conclude joint venture
14.08.2023: The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig confirms the SpaceNet judgement of the European Court of Justice on data retention
The German regulation of data retention without cause and across the board is contrary to EU law. The statutory retention obligations for telecommunications traffic data remain suspended due to the primacy of Union law.
06.05.2023: "Gold" again in the data centre category
30.03.2023: SpaceNet works with Google Cloud for better IT security
16.03.2023: SpaceNet is Nextcloud Gold Partner
06.12.2022: SpaceNet agrees the sale of the SDC SpaceNet DataCentre to Arcus Infrastructure Partners LLP
19.10.2022: IT Success Day 2022 at the high-tech data centre
20.09.2022: The European Court of Justice (ECJ) overturns German data retention.
Munich-based SpaceNet AG wins against the controversial surveillance instrument. Six years after the proceedings began, the ECJ finally creates legal certainty in dealing with the storage of data and clears the way for more suitable methods for the prevention and prosecution of criminal offences.
08.06.2022: Another gold award in the data centre category
01.06.2022: Online tool for bank and tree sponsorships
18.11.2021: German regulation on data retention declared contrary to EU law
In his opinion, Advocate General Manuel Campos Sánchez-Bordona declares the German regulation to be contrary to EU law. He reiterates that the general and indiscriminate retention of traffic and location data in the area of electronic communications is only permitted in the event of a serious threat to national security.
06.10.2021: IT success day and a look inside the data centre
13.09.2021: European Court of Justice (ECJ) to hear case on German data retention
The proceedings were joined by 12 member states and the EU Commission. The hearing centred on the question of whether German data retention is compatible with the ePrivacy Directive and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. During the almost ten-hour hearing in Luxembourg, supporters and opponents fought fiercely over data retention and the terms "national security" and "serious criminal offences", which need to be clarified.
03.09.2021: Gold award in the data centre category
27.11.2020: eco://award 2020 in the Datacenter Infrastructure category
19.10.2020: Digitalisation congress meets IT success day
06.10.2020: ECJ rules in favour of SpaceNet
The general and indiscriminate obligation to store traffic and location data is incompatible with EU law. Exceptions are only possible under strict conditions.
09.09.2020: Silver award in the data centre category
06.05.2020: SpaceNet launches its in-house video conferencing tool (VCT)
16.03.2020: SpaceNet works from home
14.01.2020: SpaceNet on the best list of brand eins
In the industry report "IT Service Providers", SpaceNet is on the list of the best IT service providers in Germany in the categories: Cloud Services, IT Security and Network and Storage.
08.10.2019: SpaceNet receives award and presents itself with a new face
- Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs presents SpaceNet with the "Sustainable Corporate Culture" award.
- Safe. Strong. Personal. Smart. Really good: SpaceNet presents itself with a new brand image after a complete relaunch.
25.09.2019: SpaceNet stops data retention
- The Federal Administrative Court (BVerwG) in Leipzig has opened proceedings on the data retention of SpaceNet AG (case reference: 6 C 12.18).
- The obligation to retain data remains suspended until final clarification.
01.01.2019: Business takeover and expansion of partnerships
- SpaceNet AG acquires a stake in IT system house brück IT GmbH for lawyers.
- SpaceNet AG builds partnership with Huawei.
14.11.2018: SpaceNet continues to grow
- The ground-breaking ceremony in Kirchheim near Munich marked the start of construction of the third data centre centre of SpaceNet AG has begun.
- The SDC SpaceNet Datacenter is a modular data centre with over 5,000 square metres of data centre space.
05.08.2016: SpaceNet is the test winner
SpaceNet Mail is voted the test winner for e-mail hosting.
05.08.2016: SpaceNet goes to court
SpaceNet AG files a lawsuit against the Data Retention Act (VDS) before the Federal Administrative Court - supported by eco, the Association of the Internet Industry.
10.07.2013: SpaceNet grounds the cloud, more space for our customers
- The new cloud service "Sync'N'Share" is launched. A Dropbox alternative for security-conscious companies, in line with the company motto "We ground the cloud".
- More data centre space is available at the Elisabeth-Selbert-Straße site.
11.02.2008: Successful ISO 27001 certification & climate neutral
- In future, SpaceNet will develop climate-neutral Internet services together with ClimatePartner.
- SpaceNet AG receives the seal of the German Association for the Certification of Management Systems (DQS) for successfully passing ISO 27001 certification.
27.04.2005: On the road to success
- Purchase of the German housing centre of Cable&Wireless in Munich. SpaceNet takes over the hosting customers of C&W.
- Greylisting is introduced: A milestone in the fight against spam.
31.08.2000: Self-made experts
SpaceNet will train IT specialists and office administrators in the future.
31.12.1997: SpaceNet grows
Set-up and launch with own housing areas.
19.10.1997: Actively involved
Founding member of DENIC eG: Germany's registry for domains.
Well-known customers right from the start
- SpaceNet brings the first bank to the Internet: HypoVereinsbank Munich
- The complete solution for the City of Munich's cultural programme
- Gruner und Jahr: PM magazine online with interactive elements.
19.12.1993 SpaceNet is founded
Three partners - one idea: company networking via satellite, Internet connection included.

Closer: IT is our vocation
The management
Responsible and sustainable action is a long-term corporate process with constantly new goals and challenges.
As a medium-sized Munich-based company, we want to actively assume responsibility.
With us, the Management Board and department heads also take care of you ...

Good for you. Good for the environment:
Our commitment to sustainability
The future holds many digital solutions. Our environment is becoming ever smarter, a huge amount of data is stored in the cloud and even our fridge is connected to the internet. Sustainability is an important issue in this development. Our vision:
Digital solutions that shape a future worth living. As the best tool for your company.

Short story and photo competition
SpaceNet Award
Take part in the short story and photo competition with tradition
In 2013, we used our company anniversary as an opportunity to launch the SpaceNet Award. After receiving so many good short stories and pictures, we quickly decided to award this prize every two years from then on.